ÉG KEM ALVEG AF FJÖLLUM (Icelandic meaning, I have no Idea What's Going on)

This is either a piece of Icelandic artwork, or it's a selfie when I got off the plane in Iceland at 6 a.m. At least, this is how I felt after arriving in a state of sleep deprived, Ambien-strength jet lag.
Mary and I were making a three- day stopover in Iceland before heading to Germany in August 2017.
Hours of little sleep folded in with jet lag made the first day feel like a Hunter Thompson adventure--without the drugs.

I shot these photos mainly so I could determine if they had been real and not my just imagination.
A Chuck Norris-themed restaurant? Sure, why not. If you don't believe me, visit their website!
As we walked through Reykjavik we saw wildly eclectic artwork such as these paintings on the side of buildings. Was it real, or was it a bad sandwich I ate on the plane?

A friend of mine observed this gentleman looks like Chewbacca with a facial. Actually it isn't unusual to see scenes like this one at the famous Blue Lagoon. It's a geothermal spa where you can smear your face with a white silica mud while soaking in the hot bath. If it was a hallucination then it was the most relaxing one I've ever experienced.
Our jet lag stupor had pretty much subsided on our 16-hour round trip bus tour along the southern coast from Reykjavik to Glacier Lagoon.
However, the environment was no less surreal, offering a landscape that had just about everything. Volcanos, green pastures straight out Ireland, hardened lava rock fields resembling Mars, and icebergs in the backyard of a dairy farm all seemed to naturally overlap.
