The Raggedy Ann Assignment

As I closed my manager's door behind me, I kept thinking of possible reasons that she gave me this "special assignment." It was months past April Fool's Day. Did I get her in trouble with her boss? Maybe she simply didn't like me.
I had been working in the communications department of the Pittsburgh Salvation Army for nearly a year as the staff photographer. My job was to shoot pictures for their various campaigns, brochures, newsletters, mailings. Some of the assignments were exciting such as covering the Salvation Army at the scene of fires or disasters. I also got to meet and photograph Curley from the Harlem Globetrotters.
Then I was asked to photograph a new brochure about the Salvation Army and WTAE-TV's beloved Project Bundle-Up. She was an international celebrity famous for her wild red hair. Unfortunately it wasn't Ann Margaret, but the other famous red head, Raggedy Ann.
And so, that's how I ended up walking around the deserted streets of Butler, Pennsylvania at 6:30 a.m. with a garbage bag holding a four-foot Raggedy Ann doll. I had to just find a deserted back alley, set up the model, fire off some shots and get out of there before being questioned by police.
Everything turned out okay. I got the shot without incident. Monday morning I was hauling the plastic bag back to the office and one of the Salvation Army officers in elevator looked over and asked what I had in the plastic bag. I told him, "If I showed you it would lead to a lot of questions you would hate to ask me, and I'd hate to answer them."